God's not up there...

…and other heresy.

Sometimes I need to be still

Those who speak do not know.
Those who know do not speak.
–Lao Tzu, Tao Teh Ching

May You, the Truth and my Self grant grace for the days when I find myself speaking too soon, listening too little, and or speaking not at all.

“We can’t expect Kim (Jong Un) to believe that we won’t overthrow him if he gives up his nukes, when he sees us threaten to carry out regime-change in Iran and Venezuela.”

Rep Tulsi Gabbard (HI), February 26 2019 tweet.

Authority, Experience and Faith

Experience confirms authority, it does not establish it. It verifies the truth we have discovered, but it is not the source of that truth. Consequently we cannot authenticate our faith by appealing to our feelings.
–Gerald R. Cragg, Reason and Authority in the Eighteenth Century