God's not up there...

…and other heresy.

Category Archive : Politics

Allegory of the Cave

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave has been great food for thought. I’ve returned to this story time and time again since first reading it. I just can not shake the imagery. As the popular internet meme goes: Once seen, you can’t unsee. I know, the word “Plato” is not one that pushes most people to think, “man, I gotta know more about this right NOW!” But this is good stuff…trust me, click the heading for the rest of the post. If you’ve already read one of my posts and the thought of another one is unpleasant…good news! I didn’t write it!

At last I’ve read an honest theological arguement on sexuality and the church.

I just read a good article, from a religious source, on sexuality.  What make this so interesting to me is not so much that the article was written, but that it engages is audience to consider going beyond the simple “because my last preacher said so” mentality.  Too bad the Methodist Church didn’t start these kind of discussions years ago.  Frankly, I’m not on board with his overall thesis, but at least this article is an honest argument. I’m better for having read it.

Here’s the article, and happy reading.

Homosexuality, Divorce, and the Biblical Family

Resolution is only a nice byproduct…

It’s a lot easier to solve problems when you aren’t trying to get everyone on the same page at the point of a gun…

The fact that many of these debates may never be resolved once and for all is no excuse not to have them.

-Katherine Mangu-Ward, Reason Magazine